Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The One That Was Written While We Were Mostly Awake...

Dave sez,

Hi! We are Cathy and Dave; and this is our ongoing adventure with our son Justin, and the journey we re on during National Adoption Month 2012 to bring our other son, Ethan (nee Shani) home. Thanks for taking the time to get to know us and follow our journey!

"...How I praise the Lord that you are concerned about me again. I know you have always been concerned about me, but you didn't have the chance to help me. Not that i was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything, I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me the strength." (Paul, the apostle in his letter to the Philippians; NLT, Phil 4: 10 - 13)

As we wait for our court date, and make our daily journey back and forth to see our boy during National Adoption Month, just a week before Thanksgiving, both Cathy and I take comfort in Paul's words. He strikes me as a patient individual. Neither Cathy or I are. For years our motto has been, "Lord grant me the patie - I'm still waiting!"

We've been talking about the things we miss here in Kiev. We've been enjoying the culture and history of Kyiv, Ukraine. They have three McDonald's within walking distance of each other. This morning we shared an egg McMuffin and a couple of hash browns. Cathy is wondering if she'll find a Popeye's at O'Hare on her flight back home. She even confessed that she could eat a Subway sandwich. Cathy worked at Subway during high school and college and a few years after we first got married. She won the Subjammers contest a few months after our wedding. Her prize was an all expense paid trip for one to the finals in Hawaii and one thousand dollars. We used the prize money to get me on a flight with a two-hour layover in Oakland - yeah, Oakland! - we were mostly dirt poor newlyweds at the time, so there wasn't a lot of disposable cash for extras on the flight. I remember buying William Shatner's TekWar novel in the gift shop before our flights - a nineteen hour flight with a two-hour stop in Oakland - Oakland! I spent the first five minutes of the flight struggling to follow Shatner's prose. Believe it or not he writes exactly the way he delivers dialogue! I spent the rest of the flight trying to nap. I wasn't successful at either. There was an in-flight movie that was playing, Pretty Woman. Cathy told me all about how much she liked it when we got home.

We laugh at that story now. To this day, I have never been able to finish any of those novels.

There is so much to enjoy here, in addition to bonding with Shani. We found some nice things to take back home with us. We take pictures at every opportunity. We're trying cuisine we can't find back home. Cathy is making a list of meals that will be added to the menu when we are all home. she's made Borsch a couple of times since Justin came home. We found a salmon soup that is very good; and, I still keep asking when she will make Russian salad.

We've agreed that my first Sunday back with Ethan, she's going to cook my favorite breakfast: biscuits and gravy.

The other night our host shared some ice cream with us. There is nothing like ice cream to make me long for next March, when the three Dairy Queens in town re-open for the season.

Today, we walked down toward the SDA, where we had our appointment on the 29th. Today has been rainy, cold and windy, so not many of the street venders had their kiosks open. Maybe it's the change of seasons, but there seem to be fewer of them, this year. Across the street from the SDA, the sidewalk is lined for a block on either side by the grey, metal kiosks. Heading back toward the police and fire station, are the vendors selling paintings. Directly behind the SDA is a Church. Last year, there was renovation going on and fresh sod was being laid. The street down the hill behind it was under construction. Now, the brick road and sidewalk is finished, the street lined with amazing street lamps and venders that sell their wares on small square wood tables. We found a Ukrainian scarf for Shani, and a couple leather wristbands. We're debating over getting him a Ukrainian soccer ball, because this is where Justin started his soccer ball collection.

The most important thing for Cathy and I right now, is that this is the first time since Justin came home that she and I have had any time just the two of us. Amazingly enough, after the years of being a couple, and twelve months of being new parents, we haven't had much couple time. We've been enjoying each others company, and talking on our walks, subway and bus rides out to visit Shani. It's been nice rediscovering one another all over again.

We still wait to hear word on our court date...

"...And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about these things that are excellent and worthy of praise...Then the God of peace will be with you." (Phil 4:8)


  1. Thanks for the update, Dave. I just came back from Church where I led some 10 years olds in Junior Bible Quiz small group. We did a lot around the 10 Commandments tonight and now I'm really challenged by one of them...Thou shall not covet ;-D You know...that couple time. Don't get me wrong, we find it...but Oh, to be on a trip like you...must...stop...the... coveting
    ;-) Enjoy!!!

    Thanks for sharing. I enjoy your journaling and writing style. Jeanne and I pray for you all a couple times a week as we do for all ECAS/COCH families.

    God bless the Andersons all here and there!

    1. Dave sez,

      Thank you very much! We've enjoyed a really nice, mostly relaxing time here the last three weeks.


      Thank you for your prayers! Prayers are greatly appreciated!
