Thursday, November 1, 2012

The One About What's Going On...

Dave sez,

"...And, we're BACK!"

We've had a few technical challenges the first few days here. We used WiFi at MSP, where were charging stations without USING the charging stations; in Dulles and Munich, there weren't any charging stations...wait for it...then when we finally got settled in, the adapter that we brought from home...well let's just say it didn't. Adapt. ;)

Between Dulles and Munich, our layovers added up to an eight hour day. We both tried to nap when we could on the plane, rather than sleep when we got here. That's doesn't really help adjust to the time difference.

Believe it or not we are in the future. We are eight hours ahead of home. Don't forget this weekend we fall back one hour as Daylight Saving Time ends Saturday night. I have a clock that keeps time for here in Kiev and for at home. Plus we haven't adjusted the time on our electronics yet...

We have a very gracious host that has very generously let us stay while we are here bringing Shani home as Ethan. Where we are staying is not too far from where we were last year, but a little closer to the US Embassy. We are close to two very nice grocery stores, which comes in very handy.

Monday was our appointment at the SDA. This was our first request to adopt a male child in Ukraine named Shani.

Tuesday we went back to the SDA for the referral on Shani, this is permission to visit him at the orphanage while we file paperwork, and wait for the court date to get the court's permission to adopt him, legally change his name and bring him home.

Today, we filed our request, and were able to see him for the first time since we hosted him last December. The excitement that greeted us was incredible. He missed us almost as much as we missed him.

But what a difference it has been over the last year! Nearly all of the children that we met on last year's visit are no gone - either to good homes and loving families in the states or here in Ukraine. Shani could very well be the last man standing, so to speak as far as the children we met and got to know last year.

It is so different to be here when it is colder, and more rainy - with the prospect of snow on the way - and only TWO boys on the soccer field. One of them Shani, in his last five and a half weeks here, and another boy. The other boy a little older and taller than when we last saw him. All of the other soccer players are now in the states.

We've pretty much figured out our challenges with Honorable Number Two Son. We will start working on his English and reading skills more over the next few weeks.

Where Justin is more athletic, it appears that Ethan (nee Shani) is more creative. He likes to sing. We will have to see where this creative streak runs. He is different, and so are his talents, from Justin. It would be easy to paint them with the same brush and say they will be two peas in a pod; I don't know that they will even be two sides of the same coin. I wonder if they will be the same kind of currency. Justin has been quite the star. It should be interesting to see this new light shine.

Tonight at dinner, I looked at my Team Georgiy bracelet. I have not taken it off since I got it in the Spring of 2011. Ethan was looking at it and my blue wristband that says, "Adoption Is An Act Of God" and "Never Give Up". He asked if one was for Justin and if one was for him. We've done things differently to bring Shani home than we did for Justin. I realized it was time to take off my Team Georgiy band. There might not be any thing to replace it. I still wear the other one, though.

It will be a new adventure to see what we learn from Ethan, and from the boys as a pair.

Our court date is due sometime around nineteen days after the SDA appointment we had on Monday. Cathy's math places that sometime around November 16th. We have come this far on the strength and power of prayer.

Thank you very much for taking the time to get to know us, and follow our adventures with Justin and this exciting new journey to bring Ethan (nee Shani) home. Cathy will tell you her life has been changed by these boys. I know I'm different than I used to be. Hopefully for the better.

We're Cathy and Dave, and this is our adoption journey.

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