Dave sez~
Dear Bella,
Today marks your FIRST YEAR home!
I never thought I would ever get to be a dad. I decided I would be okay with that, and that I would develop other interests and hobbies to try and fill the hole I never really knew I had. Guys like cars. Guys like sports. Guys like movies with car chases and guns and lots of explosions. Some guys, like me, like science fiction, 'cos there's swords and space ships and battles and sometimes there are explosions. Sometimes there are monsters and dragons. The monsters and dragons get all slayed with swords in battles. Space ships have battles and they explode in big fireballs.
Your mother wanted children. I love your mom, so I wanted what she wanted. That's how life works. Then I realized that I wanted what she wanted for the same reasons. More because I wanted it and less because I wanted her to have what she wanted.
That was when we met your brother Justin. He came to us as a surprise. We were very surprised. Mom and I had gotten to where we didn't think we would ever be parents. I never thought I'd be a dad. Your brother came to us and I thought that I was blessed enough to have one child. A son. Now you've come home to us, and I realize just how generous our blessings are.
I never thought I would get to be a dad. Then I thought I was blessed enough. I am so glad that you've come home to Mom and me. You, and both your brothers keep me on my toes. There is never a moment when I am not setting an example. But, that is only half of it. The other half is that every moment that we all have together as a family is special. When it comes right down to it, the one thing we all have is our memories. Every moment builds on the one before it and stacks up under the next one.
We had a bit of a hiccup getting everything put together to bring you home last year. There was a small, simple typo. It took a little bit longer than we expected to bring you home. There was also the turmoil in Kiev and tension between Ukraine and Russia while we were there. But, we were able to be together. I will never forget what our facilitator Valentin said when we were done.
"She was worth waiting for, wasn't she?"
The waiting was very difficult, and I was very homesick. But when it is all said and done, it is worth the effort.
Every moment is special and every moment is precious. I'm so glad that we have them to share as a family, and memories to build. This passed year has been so exciting. I'm looking forward to many, many more with you, your brothers and Mom.
Happy anniversary, Bells.
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