Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Home For Masha

Hi, we're Cathy and Dave. Our adoption journey began a few years ago when we brought our son Justin home from Ukraine. He was the answer to our prayers. While we were there, he put his arm on the shoulder of another boy, and introduced him to us.

"This is Ethan, my brother!"

We got to know Ethan, and came to love him as much as we love Justin.

When we returned to Ukraine to bring Ethan home, he introduced us to a young lady.

His question to us was, "Masha. Sister?"

No one said it would be easy growing our family and we never expected it would be. We never set out to adopt a specific number of children. We simply asked to grow our family and have children. God has answered the prayer in steps. At times while planning our second trip to Kiev, Dave and I thought we may be done but we never quite shut that door completely.

The heart knows what the heart wants all in due time.

I look back almost 9 years ago, our first plans were to adopt a girl from China and then from Vietnam. We had even chosen her name...Emma Grace. Unfortunately that didn't work out but I don't think we evergave up on the idea of having a girl.

I thought being blessed with just boys was enough. I wasn't disappointed. The desire to have a girl was pushed to the back of my mind.

Dave and I began talking about a third child. A daughter. Ethan began hinting about a sister. Justin hinted about Ethan and now Ethan was hinting about a sister. We would smile and not really answer.

A couple of days before I was to come home, Masha told the orphanage manager that she didn't want to be adopted by anyone else but us. She had even picked her new name. Isabella Masha

Dave was blessed to spend three more weeks with her while getting Ethan ready to come home. He says she has a sweet giggle. She loves art. Doesn't like spicy foods - not even ketchup. She would take Ethan's English lesson and work on it herself.

And so we begin the process again towards our FINALE. Our third adoption. Dave and I are ready to begin our next chapter of family life. Just being parents raising our children - three teenagers by next year! Adoption isn't easy and it isn't something that we take lightly but it is for the kids that we do all of this. They deserve nothing less than a happy and healthy family. God has blessed us and we are forever grateful.

My heart wants what my heart wants. I am blessed with two wonderful boys that love and challenge me. And soon a daughter that we will get to know and see her blossom just as the boys have. Adoption isn't easy as I said, it is a sacrifice that is worth everything.

We sacrifice for those things that we desire the most. For Dave and me, it is a family. A family that we can pass our values down to. Enjoy and cherish our time together. And finally see them grow families of their own.

I can't ask for more. I am blessed beyond measure. I long for the day when all three of our kids are home safe and secure with us. Challenges will continue but we will be TOGETHER.


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